FIREBRAND Forerunners Bible School Courses

FIREBRAND Movement’s vision is an urgent prophetic clarion call from our Heavenly Father, to awaken a generation that is hungry for His Spirit and burning with passionate desire for Him in this final hour.

We believe the Holy Spirit wants to show us the pleasure we have never known in the place of prayer, the ecstasy we’ve never tasted in worship and the wonder we’ve never tasted in communion.

The beginning of the revival is not a church ready to change the world, but a people ready to be changed by God. It is not first in what we can do for Him, but what He must do in us.

Are you ready for a revival? Check out our courses below

A Quick Snapshot of our Courses

FIREBRAND Forerunners Self-Paced Course

NGN 10,000

8 Course Modules (Video & Audio)

Mentoring Sessions (Pre-recorded)

Mountain Grouping Seminars (Pre-recorded)

Workbooks to deepen your learnings

FIREBRAND Prayer Journal (e-Copy)


Self-Led Accountability Groups

HeartWork Course with DDK

NGN 25,000

NGN 25,000

Early Bird Discount

10 Course Modules (Video & Audio)

Workbooks to deepen your learnings

HeartWork Prayers/Confessions

FIREBRAND Forerunners Live Sprint Sessions


Self-Led Accountability Groups

FIREBRAND Forerunners Advanced

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Live Virtual Sessions with DDK

Replays accessible on Learning Platform


10-12 Modules of Course Content

Learning Community

Self-Led Accountability Groups

Bonus - FIREBRAND Forerunners Self Paced Course and HeartWork Course

HeartWork Course

A Pure Heart is the access code to deeper places in God! GET Schooled.

About The Course

The HeartWork Course is a Scriptural Schooling System to cleanse, grow and propel believers into having a heart like God’s. The HeartWork Course is a heart revival by the Holy Spirit upon believers. If you will be used by God, the Lord must prepare your heart to bear His counsel.

It is a Self-Paced Schooling of the Spirit that causes your heart to be transformed into a Spiritual heart.

Sessions include Core Teaching Modules, complete with valuable resources and prophetic activations that would release you into a deeper degree of maturity in Christ.

This Course is an intensive experience of scriptural schooling, and will hold virtually as a Self-Paced Course.

Unlock Deeper Places with God

HeartWork Course is for you if;

Overview of the Modules

This session is a prerequisite to the HeartWork Course curriculum. God seized the wheels of our proposed Session 1 meeting and took us in a time of prophetic prayers, worship and fellowship with the Lord.

You will pray accurate and precise prayers during this session.

In this Session, you will take a dive into the Study of the Human Heart.

You will understand that your journey as a Believer is one of  warfare. You’d also decipher that your DNA in Christ is to have a heart like His.

A further dive into the tripartite man (i.e. the Spirit, Soul and Body) and their effect on our walk as Believers. 

You will understand Satan’s Operations against the Hearts of Saints.

You’ll further dive into the  devices of the devil so that you are not outwitted by him.

You’ll receive an understanding of the three (3) enemies of the Saints and how Satan comes against believers. 

This session leads you to uncover the love of the Father for us the saints. You will learn a different dimension regarding the Prodigal son and his brother. 

In this Session, you will uncover the different manifestations of the Carnal Heart. You will understand the differences between the sinful nature, sin and the flesh. 

You will be introduced to the personalities of the carnal heart and the fruits of the Spirit that help war against them.


This session takes a deeper dive into the Personalities of the Carnal Heart.

You will learn the different forms in which the Carnal Heart manifests with Case Studies from the Bible.

You will also learn the Operations of the Spirit that can be used to daily conquer these personalities in a Believer’s life.

In this Session, you will learn the Anatomy of the Heart of God, how He seeks a heart/seed for each generation and how that generation can accomplish the purposes of God.

You’d also uncover a lot about David, whom God called a Man after His heart.

You’d discover what David did and how he was able to have such a deep fellowship and communion with the Father.

Then you will get a deeper understanding of the Attributes of God’s Heart and His Characteristics such as His Love, Truth, Faithfulness and Patience [just to mention a few].

In this Session, you will uncover the difference between a Pure heart and a Clean heart.

You will learn that God desires a singleness in your pursuit of Him.

You will also understand God’s Surgical Operations upon the Human heart.

In this Session, you will uncover God’s pruning tools for a Christ-like Heart.

You’d also learn how God is the vinedresser and how He takes us through the process of pruning so we bear much fruit and what our response to this pruning process should be.

You will learn the Transportation Systems into Heavenly Portals and you will understand the importance of the Heart in transporting from the Heavenly Portals to the earthly realm.

Testimonials from HeartWork Course

FIREBRAND Forerunners Bible School Self Paced Course

About The Course

FIREBRAND Forerunners Bible Course started in July 2019 and so far graduated over 2,500 students from the Program in four cohorts.

It is a Curriculum-based and Christ-Centered discipleship Course to prune, prepare and propel God’s vessels of Revival working through ministry, missions and marketplace.

The Program runs only an online studentship that is self-paced, covering a spectrum of Biblical education for believers who are in the frontline of our Heavenly Father’s Harvest.

The key goal of FIREBRAND Forerunners is to awaken co-laborers, men and women of destiny to step into the harvest of the end-time on the different mountains and spheres of influence. Every move of the Spirit in any generation must be forerun by spiritual preparation, discipleship into the ways of the Kingdom as well as significant intercession – so that those who carry the mandate of God are equipped with stamina and stature. 

This Course is for men and women who are called as voices, scribes, thought-leaders, visionaries, influencers, intercessors and leaders, ready to be commissioned to execute the Kingdom Agenda through church leadership, Christian ministry, rural missions, entrepreneurship, social change or the home front.  

FIREBRAND Forerunners is a part of the FIREBRAND Movement, a Spirit-led assignment that opened up in 2017 with the launch of DDK’s Books including FIREBRAND, FIREBRAND Psalms, FIREBRAND Prayer Journal and FIREBRAND Forerunners Book. It is awakening a God-hungry generation with FIREBRAND Festivals all around the country. 

FIREBRAND Forerunners Bible School Self Paced Course is for you if you are;

You have been called to be a voice to the nations

You are seeking to know your place on your Mountain of Influence

Your heart seeks a revival or rekindling

You seek to be a part of the army that are establishing God's Kingdom Agenda here on Earth

Overview of the Modules

This Module provides robust insights on the concept of God as King over a Kingdom, the models of operation in a Kingdom, as well as broad manifesto of God’s Kingdom Agenda across all segments of human life.

You will understand the fundamental direction of all of the Father’s plans, purposes and pursuits. You will also recognize the Finish (the prophetic crowning of Divine Agenda and the second coming of Christ).

This Module shows a historical timeline of God’s revival across generations, key patterns of the move of the Spirit within and outside organized church, as well as Generals who have played significant roles in stirring and stewarding spiritual revolutions within spheres of influence.

You will be inspired by our rich Christian heritage, and understand the foundations that have been laid for us as well as how we can press into these labours of those who have gone ahead of us.

Mentor’s Seminar (1) – Principles of Faithfulness and Stewardship: This Seminar will open you up to God’s non-negotiable demands on any visionary willing to partner with His Kingdom Agenda. Since faithfulness is a requirement for those called to build with God, this session deepens your understanding of service, faithfulness and stewardship of a divine call whether in supporting another man’s or running with your own assignment.

Every move of the Spirit and weighty work of God, undertaken in any generation, must be forerun by sold-out sons who prepare His way. The Forerunner Anointing and Operation provides a rigorous study into the lives of Elijah, John and Jesus as a spiritual intelligence for carrying a compelling vision and leading a people or generation into that future.

You will see the pathways they walked in, sacrifices they made, and the operations of this Anointing as a template for how forerunners must take the charge and run with the vision.

Mentor’s Seminar (2) – Recognizing and Responding to the Call to Ministry: In this Seminar, you’d uncover insights for truly recognizing a specific call from God to serve His Agenda through the five-fold ministry.

This lecture helps you discern the signs, signals and signposts of a divine call as well as the right way to say YES! We include an assessment here, to help you clarify your unique gifts, strengths and fields of expression.

This is a prophetic exposition detailing the spiritual demands of Christ on those who carry a mandate, ministry, or message as leaders of God’s people. You’d find revelations of the Christ, and dimensions of consecration required to represent His Mandate. This Module will help you build the work according to divine pattern, and line up in the similitude of Joel 2 Army formation.

Mentor’s Seminar (3) – Intercession, Prayer Posture and Prophetic Accuracy: Through this session, we will see the power of prayer to fulfil God’s purpose, overtake territories, gain dominion over darkness, elevate spiritual revelations and fuel the fire of revival in our lives, communities, and nations. You will learn how to take a Posture of Intercession as well as press into prophetic accuracy so that we can wield spiritual authority productively.

Through this Module, you will gain a strong understanding of how to function as a Forerunner. A Forerunner is a valiant visionary or voice preparing a generation for the Finish line; one living with and laying on others an urgency for God’s Will and Work; a leader sent to raise other leaders; one heralding the forthcoming revival and the widespread government of Christ.

You’d see how the Holy Spirit anoints and appoints Forerunners; as well as how to carry out this role effectively whether as a Pastor of a local assembly, a ministry gift leading a ministry, a missionary in the field of souls, an entrepreneur using Business to advance the Kingdom, a mother raising children for God’s purpose, or a believer seeking to please Christ in everyday life.

Mentor’s Seminar (4) – Effective Soul Winning/ Missionary Outreach: provides an exposition on the strategies for effectively winning souls and engaging the missionary field of souls in non-traditional ways. You will understand God’s burden for souls, and why you are an important co-labourer to reach the unchurched without delay. Pastors and Ministry Gifts will learn how to integrate evangelism into the framework of their ministry activities.

This module offers a systematic and seasoned teaching on the Seven Mountains of Influence and your role as a Forerunner to engage the Mountain you’ve been called to. You’d learn how to shape culture as you engage your Mountain, as well as spiritually confront Babylon, a culture against God (in its contemporary dimensions). This Module also provides you assessment tools to prayerfully and clearly discern your Mountain of Influence, as well as helps you craft an Action Plan for using what you’ve been given to elevate the ideals of the Kingdom on that Mountain.

Mentor’s Seminar (5) – Nurturing Forerunner Alliances: This seminar helps you to discover, develop and deploy alliances with covenant comrades, purposeful partners, fellow forerunners and faith fathers for the accomplishment of God’s Kingdom Agenda. This teaching will also help you understand the dynamics of key destiny relationships including those we must nurture with spiritual leaders, mentors, protégés, ministry associates, confidantes, constituents etc.

In this Module, extraordinary lessons are drawn from leadership models of faith fathers in the Scripture, as a guide for discipleship and mentorship that is impactful and transformational.

Time-tested methodologies are shown in this Module, for converting minds and growing people into a Unified Front for the Kingdom! For impact to be real, we must move beyond the thinking that events and activities would be sufficient; but begin to understand a longer-term approach to fathering a critical mass for the Finish.

Mentor’s Seminar (6) – Facilitating Ministry Growth and Church/ Kingdom Expansion: will cover the basics of creating a working growth system for a ministry or church in a way that facilitates both establishment and expansion. The mentoring session will also provide answers to diverse areas of leading and running Christian Ministry/ Church

Since Forerunners must hold wealth in trust, dispense as required, mobilize for the work and give account of God’s prosperity; it is important to understand how to work with the resources of the Kingdom. This Module shows the different dimensions of Kingdom Wealth Allocation, Access and Administration. You’d also recognize the limitations you’ve experienced so far in entering divine provision, as God shows you the real Purpose of Wealth.

Mentor’s Seminar (7) – Business as a Tool for the Kingdom Agenda: This session provides uncommon insights on how God accomplishes His purposes through the vehicle of entrepreneurship. You will learn why entrepreneurship is not just economic in ramification, but also spiritual in essence, as well as Scriptural principles for doing Business as a Marketplace Apostle, and Forerunner.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the FIREBRAND Forerunners Bible School Self Paced Course, you will:

FIREBRAND Forerunners Bible School Advanced Course

About The Course

The FIREBRAND Forerunners Advanced Course came up as a result of the Holy Spirit stirring the heart of our President, Debola- Deji Kurunmi to raise, resource and release believers into Personal Spiritual Revival, so that they can become valiant vessels, visionaries and voices of God’s Kingdom Agenda.

The FIREBRAND Forerunners Advanced Course is a 20-Week program designed with the help of the Holy Spirit to provide deep doctrinal teachings delivered through Weekly Virtual Sessions and Replays on the Learning Platform  as a way of schooling and raising believers who are well-grounded in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This Course contains 10-12 Modules with supporting resources to guide you along your journey to Spiritual Maturity.

What's included in the FFBS Advanced Course

Messages on - the - go

Well grounded messages at your finger tips to aid you in your Christian race


Live Activation Sessions to stir up the gifts placed in you by God and ordain you as a labourer for the harvest.

Growth-packed messages

You get to learn foundational truths, understand the doctrines and tenets of the Christian Faith which enables you grow into a well-rounded believer who can stand no matter what.


Deep and well-researched resources available to equip you as saints in this time

Bonus Packages

Bonus Access to Firebrand Forerunners Course(Intermediate) and the HeartWork Course

Eligibility Requirements

We’ve found our Programs to be such FIRE-LIGHTERS in the hearts of saints. Whether young or old, men and women alike go through FIREBRAND Movement and transform in the most unimaginable ways – as they come into deeper clarity about who they are, and what God has called them to do

Here are some of the Highlights of the FIREBRAND Movement - Our Results

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Global FIREBRAND Community
Alumni Network
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Mentors In School

Frequently Asked Questions

 If you desire to have a heart like God and want to access more of Him. If you want to learn about God’s Kingdom Agenda and your role in these times and you have a deep longing for deep schooling about the foundation of the Christian Faith

These courses are fully online and can be accessed anywhere at your convenience

That’s truly a great idea, and we’d be happy to work with you!

Thank you for your interest. Please learn more about the FIREBRAND Movement here and HERE for our Book resources.

No, all courses are strictly self-paced. However, FFBS Advanced has the option of ‘Self-Led Accountability Groups’. Further information regarding this will be made available.

Testimonials from FFBS

For more Information, Enquiries and Support, kindly email our team at [email protected] or Call, text or WhatsApp on 07016363300